Mitch Leeuwe Drawing Course Bundle
"His bundle of ebooks and videos is perfect for both beginners and more experienced artists. The materials included in the bundle start with the basics"
Bundel ebook dan videonya sangat cocok untuk pemula dan seniman yang lebih berpengalaman. Materi yang termasuk dalam bundel dimulai dengan dasar-dasar dan secara bertahap menjadi lebih maju, memungkinkan Anda untuk maju dengan kecepatan Anda sendiri. Urutan ebook dan video dirancang untuk diikuti secara berurutan, tetapi dapat digunakan dengan perangkat lunak apa pun atau bahkan bahan tradisional seperti pensil dan kertas. Materi dalam bahasa Inggris dan disajikan dengan cara yang jelas dan mudah dipahami. File juga diatur dalam urutan yang disarankan untuk mempermudah pembelajaran.
- anatomi
- desain hewan
- latar belakang
- desain karakter
- gambar figur
- perspektif
- sketsa
Ebook dalam bundel ini dalam format PDF, sedangkan video dalam format MP4. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang spesifikasi setiap item, lihat listingan toko masing-masing.
Bundel ini juga mencakup eBook mendatang, karena pembuatnya terus mengerjakan konten baru yang akan ditambahkan segera setelah dirilis. Harapkan pembaruan rutin dengan ebook baru, video, dan banyak lagi!
His bundle of ebooks and videos is perfect for both beginners and more experienced artists. The materials included in the bundle start with the basics and gradually become more advanced, allowing you to progress at your own pace. The order of the ebooks and videos is designed to be followed in sequence, but they can be used with any software or even traditional materials like pencil and paper. The materials are in English and are presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The files are also organized in a suggested order to make learning easier.
His bundle of ebooks and videos is perfect for both beginners and more experienced artists. The materials included in the bundle start with the basics and gradually become more advanced, allowing you to progress at your own pace. The order of the ebooks and videos is designed to be followed in sequence, but they can be used with any software or even traditional materials like pencil and paper. The materials are in English and are presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The files are also organized in a suggested order to make learning easier.
- anatomy
- animal design
- background
- character design
- figure drawing
- perspective
- sketch
The ebooks in this bundle are in PDF format, while the videos are in MP4 format. For more information on the specifics of each item, please refer to the individual store listings.
This bundle also includes future ebooks, as the creator is continuously working on new content that will be added as soon as it is released. Expect regular updates with new ebooks, videos and more!
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